Career Opportunities
Providence Englewood Charter School is seeking candidates to fill teaching positions for the 2024-25 school year. Providence Englewood is a K-8 charter School in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood on the city’s south side. Rooted in the belief that all students can achieve and should have education as an avenue for future life choices, Providence Englewood Charter School holds high expectations for all stakeholders within an engaging and supportive environment.
Providence Englewood seeks candidates who will work with students to achieve their greatest success.
Click here for PECS career opportunities
See below for further opportunities
SPED Teacher:
Teaching responsibilities
-Set goals for the individualized education plan that are achievable and comparable to a non-special education student’s peers in accordance with the State of Illinois IEP that supports a guaranteed and viable curriculum;
– Work collaboratively with parents and the special education team to determine instructional and social needs of students that ensure success while also participating on the multidisciplinary team to promote students’ well-being;
-Serve as an advocate for students with special needs;
-Use informal and formal assessments to support the development of students;
-Collaborate with fellow teachers to create a data-driven, learner-centered, friendly and safe environment demonstrating shared responsibility for achievement;
-Design engaging and personalized instruction that nurtures and empowers the whole child resulting in improved student achievement;
-Maintain a classroom that demonstrates discipline, order and rigor;
-Commit to tutoring students one day per week after school
-Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in education
-Current IL Type 10 LBS1 Special Education Teacher Certification (Illinois Provisional certificate accepted for out of state applicants)
-Urban / high need teaching experience (Chicago Public School experience preferred)
-Experience with IMPACT SSM (Case management experience required)
Thank you for your consideration.
Interested candidates should forward their resumes to
Angela Johnson-Williams, Principal:
All applications: No phone inquiries. To apply, please email your cover letter, resume (including salary requirements) and two professional references (including contact information and nature of your relationship) to johnsona@providenceenglewood.org