Support Us
With your contribution, you can help PECS students realize their dreams, achieve academic success in high school, college and beyond. All contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.
Ways to Give
Online: Make a secure credit card donation by clicking here:
Mail: Print a copy of our donation form and mail with a check or credit card information to:
Providence Englewood Charter School Foundation
6515 South Ashland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60636
Stock: By donating stocks or other securities, you not only receive a tax deduction for the market value of the stock, but you avoid capital gains tax. To make a stock gift, please contact Dr. Shinwe Shelton, Chief Operations Officer, at 773-434-0202 ext. 133 or Sheltons@providenceenglewood.org.
Print a copy of the stock donation form.
Wire Transfers: To make a stock gift, please contact Dr. Shinwe Shelton, Chief Operations Officer, at 773-434-0202 ext. 133 or Sheltons@providenceenglewood.org.
In-Kind Gifts: Gifts of goods and services are always appreciated. If you have items that you think might benefit PECS and its students, please contact Dr. Shinwe Shelton, Chief Operations Officer, at 773-434-0202 ext. 133 or Sheltons@providenceenglewood.org.
Matching Gifts: Many corporations match charitable gifts with their employees. Please check with your employer to see if your gift qualifies.
Support PECS while you shop: Supporting the Providence Englewood Charter School Foundation can be just as easy as buying the items you need every day. You can support PECS with your daily purchases in two ways:
- Choose PECS as your charity on Amazon.Com. When you choose the PECS Foundation as your charity of choice, 5% of your purchase will be gifted to PECS through the AmazonSmile Foundation.
- Sign up for Caring Cent. Caring Cent rounds each of your purchases up to the nearest dollar and then, at the end of the month, donates that change to the charity of choice. Sign up for a Caring Cent account that benefits PECS here.
Due to the increasing competition for seats in the most successful high schools, PECS scholars and their families need to learn about and begin to navigate the process as early as 6th grade. The PECS Mentor Program provides an additional layer of support and resources to help 8th graders navigate the final portion of the process – application and enrollment. PECS Mentors are volunteers whose purpose in the program is to provide tactical and social-emotional support to PECS Scholars and their families as they journey toward college completion. If you are interested in learning more about the PECS Promise Mentor Program, please contact the Director of PECS Promise, Ms. Jessica Lewis, lewisj@providenceenglewood.org.
Classroom volunteers work with our teachers and students in classrooms each week to help support academic achievement. Classrooms volunteers take part in a wide variety of tasks including helping support classroom instruction and working with students in small groups. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a classroom volunteer please contact our Academic Dean, Iva Turner, at turneri@providenceenglewood.org
Career Day is an important day that helps our students learn about achievement from the eyes of professionals. It is a day in which our students have the opportunity to hear from professionals and ask questions about their life stories of success and hard work. Your participation in Career Day helps us achieve our goal of preparing our students for academic success and, ultimately, responsible citizenship. If you are interested in participating in this event, please contact Ms. Jessica Lewis at lewisj@providenceenglewood.org.
Volunteers are not only our core supporters in the classroom but also play an instrumental role in helping support PECS students through securing financial support for our school. Volunteer fundraisers take on various roles, including planning our annual Family Day school carnival and our anniversary party, securing both in-kind and financial gifts, and other fundraising activities. If you are interested in volunteering your time to help support PECS reach its financial goals, please contact Dr. Shinwe Shelton, Chief Operations Officer, at 773-434-0202 ext. 133 or Sheltons@providenceenglewood.org.